Political Scientist, Tenured Researcher, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)

Deputy director of the Institute for the Social sciences of Politics

CNRS / Paris Nanterre University / ENS Paris Saclay


For information in French, visit this website

Research Interests  Memory studies /// Remembrance public policies /// Sociology of the state /// Images and history /// Social history of WWII Paris /// Rescue and spoliation of Jews in France /// Social reactions to terrorist attacks /// Memory and urban landscapes /// Digital humanities

Education Habilitation in Political Science, Sciences Po Paris, 2019 /// PhD in Sociology, EHESS, 2006 /// MA in Social Sciences, Sciences Po Paris, (1999-2001) /// MA in Social Sciences, Ecole Normale Supérieure (1996-2000, “Normalienne” and “Agrégation de Sciences Economiques et Sociales”)

Awards CNRS Bronze Medal (French national distinction for highly promising early career researchers), 2019 /// French Voices Award 2017 for Memory in my doorstep  /// Winner of 2016 Gold Decibel special award, with Gens de Paris/ Gens de la Seine /// Best Article Award, Studies on the Holocaust, 2014 /// French Political Science Association Prize for best dissertation, 2007 /// Auschwitz Foundation Special Prize for best dissertation, 2007

Main Research Grants CNRS PRIME AWARD, “Building a science of memory”, between social and neurosciences, 2019-2022, 120 000 euros, hiring one PhD candidate /// Principal Investigator of “PHOTO-TOPO-GRAPHY”, COMUE Paris Lumière University, 2019-2021, 40 000 euros, supervision of one research assistant /// PI of “Revisiting Commemoration”, LABEX Past in Present, Excellence Research Cluster, 2013-2016, 180 000 euros, management of two post-doctoral fellows /// PI of “Local memories”, LABEX Past in Present, Excellence Research Cluster, 2013-2016, 60 000 euros, supervisor of one research assistant /// City of Paris Research Grant, “Political Sociology of Memory in Paris”, 2013-2015, 25 000 euros /// PhD Grant, French Ministry for Research, 2001-2005.


+33 6 18 48 47 40

English CV